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Public debate in a sentence

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Sentence count:70+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-01-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: public debtpublic defenderpublic domainpublic policypublicpublicandebaterepublicMeaning: n. the formal presentation of and opposition to a stated proposition (usually followed by a vote). 
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1, Education is the current focus of public debate.
2, There needs to be a properly informed public debate.
3, Education has become a central issue in public debate.
4, Her resignation caused much public debate.
5, He is practised in the art of public debate.
6, Television actually encourages public debate about such issues.
7, She figured conspicuously in the public debate on the issue.
8, There has been widespread public debate over the introduction of genetically modified food.
9, There was a lot of public debate about the morality of the invasion.
10, If the course of public debate is unruly,[ debate.html] it has a happy result.
11, It will undoubtedly be one for public debate, and rightly so.
12, There has been very little public debate on the Navy's new program.
13, The level and quality of public debate generated by rightwing newspapers have been risible and misleading.
14, Last week, the governor entered the public debate on health-care reform.
15, Health care dominated the public debate in the presidential campaign four years ago.
16, Prison conditions have been pushed to the forefront of public debate.
17, She has chosen to remain on the sidelines of public debate.
18, The article was written with the intention of opening up a public debate.
19, Today the school finds itself in the midst of a very public debate.
20, The decision to hold a referendum was taken by the city council in April, following a year-long public debate.
21, The initial draft received many letters of comment from both camps and was followed up with a public debate in Glasgow.
22, Quiet changes in design appear only to be relevant to new areas[], so that public debate and understanding is limited.
23, They argued that a new racism based on arguments about cultural difference had largely taken over the arenas of public debate.
24, Is there any simple way through the confusion in the public debate?
25, His complaint was that she was flouting the convention that prime ministers' wives did not intervene in public debate.
26, McCaffrey is also notorious for his thin skin, which may explain why he has studiously avoided public debate.
27, As with the Doomsday scenario, this further militarisation of the police occurred without public debate or accountability.
28, Ability to use the written and spoken word in order to enter into public debate.
29, We will continue to encourage a wide and well-informed public debate on the electoral system.
30, Moving towards an open system needs a massive public education effort and public debate on the values that should underpin choice.
More similar words: public debtpublic defenderpublic domainpublic policypublicpublicandebaterepublicin publicpubliclypublicizepublicistpublicisepublicallypublic eyepublicityRepublicanpublic lawpublicizedsemipublicpublic goodpublic moneypublicisedpublic officepublic toiletpublic companypublicationpublic worksgoing publicnotary public
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